Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Sometimes it Takes Great Effort Just to Stay the Same

I just spent the last hour trying to get my blog to look exactly like it always has. I got the stupid idea that I should change the template, not knowing that in doing that I would lose all of the added stuff I have spent the last two months learning painstakingly how to add to my sidebar.

With much elan I placed all of my newly borrowed code into a word file and chose another template for the background of my blog, only to find that no matter how carefully I placed the code for my links and extras the sidebar looked hideous.

So I decided I would just go back to my old faithful look that I have had from the start, only to find that I had lost that setup as well. So because I had so serendipitously (is that a word? It is now) placed the codes in the word file, I was able to reconstruct my old blog template, but not without much consternation and effort.

This was a great moral lesson for me. Sometimes it takes great effort to stay just the way we are. Maybe I should have been content to be where I was. It was perfectly okay. I need to learn to be content with the status quo.

Now I am tired, and I am going to bed.


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