Sunday, August 07, 2005

The Lord Works . . .

in mysterious ways.

My beloved oldest daughter who is up at her college town trying to be all grown up has had what can only be called the biggest eye opening summer one young adult could have. She has worked very hard, and paid her rent, and paid for her own gas and taken care of herself pretty well. But she has also had to endure a roommate who refuses to work and thus mooches off of the other roommates, a house full of cats and a dog(she is allergic to household pets)who wander aimlessly through her room all the time, no privacy, and their apartment was broken into and some of her things were stolen.

Mrangelmeg and I have prayed that she would wise up and move out of this horrid situation, but we told her that so long as she paid the rent, she could live where she chose, so we could only watch and pray and hope that she would some day wake up and see what we saw.

In what can only be termed one of God's amazing wink and nudge actions, she also forgot to cancel her housing contract last spring, so she just happened to be assigned a dorm room for the fall semester. When she went in to see if she could get out of the contract the university told her it would be very difficult. When she told us that we would have to pay the fee for the housing, we told her if that were the case she would have to live on campus.

Today when I went up to visit her, she informed me that she wants to live on campus for this year. I tried to keep my composure as I was praising God and doing an internal happy dance. She has come to realize that she is being taken advantage of, and wants to get out of the unhealthy situation she is in. She also thinks she would like to be closer to work and class (the apartment is pretty far from campus). I told her if she lives on Campus dad and I will pay her room and board for the year so that she can bank her money from her job and get a little ahead.

So praise God for her forgetting to cancel her contract last spring, so that this door would open up now when she needed to have a way to get out of the situation she was in on her own without us making her do it.

And Thank God for giving us the patience to wait for Him provide this solution before stepping in and making this decision for her.

We love her, and we know that in her heart she wants to do the right thing, but we also know that at her age the right thing doesn't always look like the most appealing choice.


Mark Mossa, SJ said...

Funny how that all works. Praise God! So, you got the good thing for your daughter and you didn't even have to play bad parent. Wouldn't it be great if that happened every time!

Suzanne said...

I second what the previous poster wrote! Praise God! We love her too, BTW! McConnell's