Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Evenings Aren't My Own

So mrangelmeg has a huge paper due tomorrow for his Law and Public Affairs class and has been practically living at the office so that he can work with limited distractions to get it finished on time. I have been taking over the homefront duties, which include taking the angelbaby to her sports practices (Fencing on Mondays and Volleyball on Tuesdays and Thursdays).

Anyone who knows me very well knows that once I hit the house at about 3:30 in the afternoon I am ready to hunker down for the evening and hibernate away till the next day. I absolutely loathe getting out in the night to drive because I have such poor night vision. I really can't stand going outside in biting winter cold because it hurts my skin not to mention makes it impossible for me to breathe. But I know that mrangelmeg really needs to be where he is right now, so I am willing to do what needs to be done to keep the family running smoothly so that he doesn't have to worry about us.

Besides, he will be off on his TDY assignments soon and will be gone for weeks at a time, so I had better get used to having to be the one who runs the kids around in the evening. I will be the single parent while he is off on matters of national security, or whatever it is he does for a living (believe me if he told me I would die of boredom).

Anyway, I have to leave in a few minutes to take the angelbaby to a volleyball practice. Hmm maybe I will take along a good book to read while she is practicing.


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