Saturday, March 14, 2009

Introducing Two New Young Voices

A young man from my parish, Mike Keucher, (whom I have known all of his life coincidentally) who will be attending St. Meinarad (my gradual school) in the fall because he has been accepted as a seminarian for our Archdiocese.

Anyway he has a blog, and it is quite a well written one. I would like to introduce all of my eight loyal readers to it. You can find it at:

The Long Journey into Light

In his blog, you will find reflections on the church year and on what he is experiencing as he prepares for his journey as a seminarian. He has a wonderful take on life as a Catholic and I think you all will enjoy reading it.

The other voice is that of Teresa, the daughter of my very close friend Suzanne. I haven't known Teresa her entire life, but very close. I think she was eight or nine when our families met for the first time. She is a beautiful young woman working full time and going to school to get an Eearly Childhood Education degree.

Her blog chronicles her work and her faith life and all the wonderful things she is thinking and learning along the way. You can find it here:

Taking it One Step at a Time

I have added both of them to my sidebar.



Mike Keucher said...


You have eight loyal readers!? Wow, maybe one day I'll get there!

Thanks very much for the mention and adding me to your list!!


ukok said...

You have 12 readers in Bloglines sweetie. I always read you there if i don;t have time to visit :-)

Unknown said...

just trying to keep myself humble. I don't count my husband, my siblings or some friends from elementary school (and one of their moms) who read my blog on a regular basis either. So I bet I have close to two dozen loyal readers, but to humbly claim 8 makes me feel better.

I don't write for anyone but me and God anyway. If someone else gets something from this then there is a greater good to it than I am capable of doing on my own.

Teresa said...

Aww. Thanks Maggie! that was really sweet. :)

Suzanne said...

Maggie..Wow comment city! :)
I'm sending you an email...scratch much of my blatherings last evening.
I prayed and got a very clear answer, I think..about myself, my you said..which has more to do with what I need to make sense of things than my connections to any one human being, if that makes sense. I need to do some errands today before I write the email, but look for it.
How nice of you to let others know about these two new young bloggers..I think they both have very much to offer too.
God bless them both.