Saturday, August 19, 2006

I Have Seen My Future

This comes from the Zenit Daily Dispatch which I read religiously:

Book Talks Math to Philosophers
1st Publication of STOQ Project ROME, AUG. 18, 2006
A program launched by the Holy See, three pontifical universities and the Templeton Foundation to promote dialogue between faith and science wants to help philosophers and theologians understand math.

The STOQ Project -- for science, theology and the ontological quest -- collaborated with Michael Heller, founder of the International Society for Science and Religion, to produce "Some Mathematical Physics for Philosophers."

The book was developed from an introductory course on mathematical physics offered at the Gregorian University in Rome.

Heller, who is also an adjunct member of the Vatican Observatory and ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences of Rome, attempts to explain mathematical methods in physics to students of philosophy and theology.

The academic and scientific directors of the specialization in science and philosophy at the Gregorian University, Father Marc Leclerc and Gennaro Auletta, said the publication "will foster dialogue between and integration of two disciplines that sadly drifted apart over the course of the last two centuries, namely philosophy and science."

The book is published by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana together with the Pontifical Council for Culture. The STOQ Project is directed by the Pontifical Council for Culture.

Supported financially by the Pennsylvania-based Templeton Foundation, the initiative is being carried out by the Lateran University, the Gregorian University and the Regina Apostolorum university.

The project seeks to foster relations between the Churches and Christian ecclesial communities with the scientific world.

From someone who is struggling to understand philosophy, and has always had to struggle to understand higher mathematics (I would have failed high school Calculus if I hadn't had the most compassionate teacher who gave me points for trying). They might as well call this new book A Season in Purgatory because that is what it will seem to me if I try to comprehend what it contains.



Anonymous said...

Amen, sister

Julie D. said...

No kidding! I saw the title and wouldn't even read the description!

Athanasis Contra Mundum said...

Just the description sounded confusing