Sunday, March 26, 2006

Head Count!

How many of our manly men-in-black were quick to remind us on only the second day of the Liturgical year when they dawn the color of Rejoicing that they weren't in-fact wearing pink?

Father made it less than a minute into the mass before making it perfectly clear that his vestments were Rose, not Pepto-pink.

Aren't they fun?



Mark Mossa, SJ said...

Didn't even wear pink--ah, rose--where I went to Mass, but I remember a priest going out of his way to make just that point a couple of years ago!

It struck me as a bit odd that he felt the need. Be sure to give me a hard time if I ever do that!


Karen said...

I'm used to living in Southern California, where they are thrilled to be wearing pink and wish they could "rejoice" more often. But this year I was in Orlando, where there was no rose, or pink, though we were told that we might have it next year ... I guess that, too, depends on the all importang building fund.

Karen said...

That was supposed to be "important" ... but you probably knew that.