Thursday, October 27, 2005

Shameless Self-Promotion Update

Some of you may remember this post a few weeks ago. I thought I should update you with what I know.

Hereditas Magazine is finally getting back on its feet after being hit by both Katrina and Rita. You may actually at some point in the near future be able to read my humble submission online.

I am so happy that they are up and limping. I would hate to think that two hurricanes could dampen the spirits of all those wonderful Catholic Writers.

I will keep you updated, and as soon as they are fully on-line I will link to their page. Which I guess will give away my true identity to those who don't know who I really am, since the article isn't submitted under a pen name. Oh well.


1 comment:

Mag said...

Dear Maggie,

Thank you for your "shameless self-promotion" as it also promotes Hereditas and all those writers who have, like you, been waiting to see their words both on the web and in print.

I'm delighted to tell you that your hard copy should be arriving soon; it went out the day before Thanksgiving and the virtual version should be unveiled later today.

In Christ,
Linda Robninon