Sunday, September 28, 2008

What I'm Reading Now

I am actually reading two books, both by the Jesuit Authors.

The first one I talked about a few posts ago When the Well Runs Dry: Prayer Beyond Beginnings by Thomas Green SJ I love it and each chapter brings me a new perspective on my relationship with the Divine and why the old ways of praying are no longer working for me and why trying to go back to them isn't the best choice when I should be moving forward.

The other book is the next textbook in my Spiritual Direction Internship and is called The Practice of Spiritual Direction by William a Barry SJ. It is a practical guide to actually doing Spiritual Direction, a guidebook you might say. I haven't yet finished the first chapter, so I have quite a ways to go. I will write more when I have had time to digest a bit more of it.

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