Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Humbly Admitting Our Flaws: Then Moving Past Them in Faith

So today started out to be a really great day, that is until I tried to back my car out of my very own driveway without hitting my son's truck which is now parked on part of the drive(something both my husband and my daughter both did without incident I have to add). I couldn't accomplish this task apparently, because when I tried to do it I was so busy keeping my eyes on the truck to my right that I completely forgot that to the left of the drive there is a small tree which I scraped the driver's side rear quarter panel and rear passenger door on.

I am so stupid sometimes. It is a wonder I can walk and chew gum at the same time.

There isn't much damage to the car, just enough to destroy my ego and what is left of my credibility with my daughter. I am wondering if it is worth the cost to even get it fixed, since it will probably raise our insurance rates. Sigh.

Other than that, the day went amazingly well, until I had the temerity to try to help my mom find her money in the restaurant where we ate lunch. She yelled at me as if I were 3 years old. I stood there and took it and apologized to the poor woman behind the counter, who had no idea what was going on. Mom is much more combative in public, but a little of that is to be expected since she isn't so heavily medicated anymore. I simply forgot that she hates being reminded that she can't remember where things are.

She did like going out to lunch though. And two minutes after she paid for her meal she had forgotten that she was mad.

I had an appointment with my new spiritual director today, which went very well. He gave me an assignment to do in the next month before we meet again. I am supposed to read a book I happen to already have (interesting that he would mention to me a book that I had in my personal library but never got around to reading, coincidence? I think not!) This first visit was more getting to know you than real direction, but I believe that this relationship will work out well.

Tonight I presented a workshop to catechists on using our Archdiocesan Curriculum and the tasks of Catechesis. I think it went well, even though I haven't presented this particular workshop in over a year. I do the second round on Sunday, I think it should go even more smoothly.

Tomorrow I am going to be a table shepherd for the RCIA process at the same parish where I was tonight. It is a way for me to stay involved in RCIA, even though I am not in active parish ministry. I am really excited about that.

So, even though a few flaws shined through like beacons today, all in all it was a pretty good day.

God is good, all the time. In our weakness He can make us stronger.



Suzanne said...

It is going to be an even better and more complete day when I tell you that you are NOT, I repeat, NOT stupid and tell you that for me personally, I never want even hear you say or see you write that ever again! So there! ;)

The Ironic Catholic said...

Hugs for AngelMeg.

Glad the new spiritual director seems good.