Thursday, July 07, 2005

Snarkaholics of the World Unite

Karen Hall has done it again. In her wonderfully self deprecating way she has shown me something about myself that I don't want to see.

It really helps to watch someone you admire take the plank out of their own eye. Then you know how to do it when it comes your turn to do the same.

and I love Mark Mossa's comment:

Onions have layers.

Ogres have layers.

Karen has layers.

We all have layers.

Isn't that why charity is one of the theological virtues?

The way to perfection isn't easy, but at least God gives us companions for the journey.


1 comment:

Rocco Palmo said...

Hi Maggie -- Tried finding an e.mail address for you, but oh well. Hope you get this. Just wanted to say thanks for your observations over at Karen's, because they summarized perfectly why I write a lot of what I write. Your spirit about your bishop -- that, like him or not, he is the one chosen to lead -- is one which I pray will become more contagious than it already is... The bishops have it very hard; they know better than any among us that you can't please all the people all the time. Please keep praying for them, the strain under which they live is a very tough one. And please pray for me your Office -- it's not the continuous prayer of the whole Church for nothing!

Keep the faith!
