Friday, July 29, 2005

Happy Birthday Dear Friend

Today I want to tell you all about a dear friend of mine. His name is John and he is as close to me as a member of my own family even though we have no familial connection.

We met almost two years ago on a cold December night. I was beginning my studies at Saint Meinrad School of Theology with a Workshop on Theological Reflection. I was absolutely terrified. I was still so stunned that they had actually accepted my application for admissions that I was sure that at any moment they were going to see through my facade and find out the fraud that I was and kick me out on my ear. I knew absolutely no one.

I walked into a room with fifteen other souls, most of whom had already taken at least one class. We were a very diverse group of people, and as the introductions began to happen I realized that everyone in the room, more or less, was about as scared and nervous as I was about being there.

There was one man in particular, an older gentleman, that caught my attention. When it came his turn to introduce himself he spoke with such eloquence about his retired military background (gunnery sergeant) and other jobs he had pursued. He spoke about his wife and daughter, and about his faith. What really caught my attention was when he answered the question "Why am I here?", his answer was "I am pursuing a train of thought". I was mesmerized. From that moment, I knew that this was a man I wanted to get to know.

Since that day I have come to know John as a friend, confidant, and even more. He and his wife Pat have come to mean so much more to me than words can ever express. They have become surrogate parents (much to young really to be my parents especially Pat). They keep me sane, and give me hope on the days when I feel as though I can't go on. They encourage me to be the best version of me that I am capable of being. And John is one of the best story tellers I know. If only I could convince him to join the blogging world.

Well, today is John's Birthday. So wherever you are, lift a glass of whatever spirit you happen to have on hand and wish all the best to my Pops: John Cornwell, humble scholar, philosopher, farmer, B.S. Artist extraordinaire.

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