Wednesday, August 25, 2004

What Have I Been Reading?

I have been an avid reader since I learned to read at the age of three -- one of the benefits of having older sisters who wanted to play school. My sister Ann was so good at the game that she taught me how to read.

I usually have at least four books in the process ov being read, but I have to preface this entry with the caveat that I have spent the past summer in grad school, so most of my reading time was devoured by required text. I am sure you all can't wait to read The Christian Faith in the Doctrinal Documents of the Catholic Church by Neuner and Dupuis (Alba House 2001), or Jaroslav Pelikan's exhaustive document on Creedal forms called Credo (all 647 pages of it). While both are compelling reading I wouldn't recommend them except as a resource.

Prayer and Temperament by Chester Michael and Marie Norrisey, Open Door Inc, 1991 --- If you know your Myers Briggs Type Indicator score (I am an INFP) this book will help you to explore prayer forms that fit your type. I found it very interesting to read about and explore prayer forms for other types as well.

The Creed What Christians Believe and Why it Matters by Luke Timothy Johnson, Doubleday, 2003 -- This is a wonderful article by article explanation of the Creed in everyday language. It was very easy to read and had many wonderful insights.

Finding God in All Things by William A. Barry, SJ, Ave Maria Press 1991 --- This is a companion to the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius. I found it to be very enlightening. It has some amazing correlations to my current spiritual journey, and thus was much help as I try to walk with God at all times. I know I will go back to this little book often.

Father Joe by Tony Hendra , Random House 2004 --- This was my summer reading choice book. I took it on vacation and spent a wonderful week reading something that wasn't assigned. I loved this touching story of one man's search for meaning, and the spiritual guide who helped him find his way. I am not sure I would call it Confessions of Saint Augustine for our time, but it was very good.

I am still reading Beyond the World of Pooh (Dutton Books, 1998)the selected writings from the memoirs of Christopher Milne, the son of A. A. Milne who wrote the Winnie the Pooh books. He has a very readable and enjoyable writing style. This is a book I can pick up and put down, so it gets thrown in my bag for those moments when I can escape into a world that is unfamiliar to me.

So, read what I have read, or don't. I do encourage reading.


Suzanne said...

Oh, my gosh, just this morning, I came very close to write about reading on my own "blog"! I didn't have what I wanted to write very well formulated, so I just felt it not quite the right timing. :) At any rate, Shane's 5th religion study is all about
the Apostle's Creed, so that he can better understand just what and why he is saying those words at the beginning of the Rosary and
of course it goes along well with the Nicene Creed at Mass. So, with that, the book you mentioned by Luke Timothy Johnson, might be a good one for me to pick up and go through as I teach my son about this. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love to read as well! I am definately going to pick up some of the titles you mentioned. I have been away from that favorite pastime of mine for awhile, and I really miss curling up with a book and getting lost in my own world.