Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cast Not These Pearls . . .

Last summer during our self imposed exile in Florida we fell in love with a comic strip called Pearls Before Swine that was a daily fixture in the local paper. Our plucky youngest child (the angelbaby) has missed it so that she not only found it in book form at our local library and has read every compilation in print, but she also found it on the net, and now can read each new strip as they are published since we don't get it in our local paper.

It is awesome in the most politically satirical, lowbrow humor kind of way that really tickles my funny bone and makes me laugh until I, well, embarrass myself in ways only women will understand.

Then, through the website we found out that Stephan Patis, the creator of this awesome strip actually has a blog!! You have to check this out! It is absolutely hilarious. Just as funny as the strip, and very informative about his process, which is great for someone who is a total geek about that kind of thing (the creative process I mean).

It has also given me the most awesome idea for the angelbaby's next birthday cake; I can't wait to order that Shalom Stan cake with a Menorah on it in the middle of May!!!!!! Don't tell her though, I want it to be a surprise.

I am adding his blog to my blogroll. A word of warning; don't be drinking any liquids while you read his entries. Trust me on this one.


1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Okay you sold me..I just went by..love the one about the grocery store clerk..THAT was just plain funny!