Monday, April 10, 2006

Via Crucis Grid Blog: Station 3: Jesus Falls for the First Time

The weight of the cross, the unbearable weight of my sins is too much for him and it causes him to stumble.

When I imagine my sinfulness crushing down upon his shoulders my heart breaks. My selfish and petty reasons for choosing my own will seem so meaningless in the balance of His suffering, and yet I continue to choose my own will. Any mere mortal would remain crushed under the weight, but He rises and picks up the cross again and continues on his way.

When I am defeated and crushed by the weight of some decision that hasn’t gone the way I expected how do I find the inner resources to pick myself up and continue on? Sometimes I have to follow a path to its conclusion even if it isn’t a path of my own choosing. In this first fall of Christ I can find an example of strength in adversity, perseverance and grace.

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