and unto dust you shall return.
Today is the day that we enter Lent by reminding ourselves that there is no way to get out of this place alive, so everything we have here is transient. As John of the Cross reminds us repeatedly in his writings; what gets in the way of our purest love must be removed (nada,. nada, nada) Everything is up for review during this holy season as we pare back our lives to the most basic essentials and discover what it is that we really need to live as God has asked us to live:
To fast from everything that isn't essential. To pray as one who is speaking to a beloved. To give of one's first fruits and not of one's excess.
Bear your lent proudly and with grace, and smile when well meaning folk stop to tell you that you have dirt on your face.
1 comment:
Ha! Ha! Oh, I have dirt on my face allrighty! I wrote today and got some stuff off of my chest. It has already been a test in Lent. Sigh..we must go onward, Christian soldier..onward! ;) I like our Dominicans too...Teresa is really getting close to them and Father Stan..he loves the young adults so much..bless his heart!
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