Wednesday, August 08, 2007

One of us Got to Go Home

I am back at home for a few days. My mom is still in the special ward of the hospital where they will take great care of her until we find her a long term care placement in a dementia/Alzheimer's Unit.

She seems to understand that she will be in a place like this for the duration and has accepted it. I need to get back to being mom to my kids and wife to my husband as well as being her Power of Attorney, so now that I know that the place where she is in the hospital is taking good care of her I came home to do the sorting out of finding a long term placement for her. Tomorrow I begin to call facilities to see if I can find a bed and what I can do to get her squared away. I may have to go back up there as early as next week to get her settled in a new place but I am hoping that we can avoid placing her somewhere temporarily while we try to find a more permanent placement.

On the home front, mrangelmeg is back for five days before his next trip. This will become the regular pattern with his new position, the short hop travelling every week or so. I suppose now is as good a time as any to get used to it. I came home because I needed to have him as a sounding board and to help me make these decision in person because there is only so much I can talk over with him via cell phone.

It will be nice to spend a few days with him before I head back to deal with mom again. Besides that we are going to try to take a one day family vacation, all seven of us, on Saturday to a nearby theme park. Between now and then I have a lot of phone calls to make and stuff to deal with.

One whole day of vacation this summer. How did I get so lucky?


1 comment:

Mimi said...

Prayers. My mother is also sick but getting better, so I have a glimpse into your world, and hugs to you!