Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Sweet Sound of Liturgy Done Well

Today was the first Sunday for our new Pastor. He is a very soft spoken man who in the 21 years of his priesthood has never been a full time pastor until now. Previously he worked in Washington DC, and most recently in our Archdiocese he was part of the Priest Personnel Board and Sacramental Minister at a small rural parish just a few miles from here.

I am so happy that he is here because of the reverence with which he prays the liturgy. Don't get me wrong I loved Fr. Charlie dearly, but I have always struggled with the way he said Mass. But it might be said that in my case a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, because the more I learned about liturgy over the last five years or so as I have been in Gradual School, the harder it has been for me to endure the way that Fr. takes liberties with the wording and pacing of the liturgy. I have been making allowances for his health recently, but he has been doing some of these things as long as he has been at this parish.

I think those days are behind us now though. Fr. Bill, our new Pastor, prayed the Liturgy with a strong clear voice, and everything was in the proper place, and he sang what was supposed to be sung and spoke what was supposed to be spoken and he didn't leave off the ends of prayers. I think I am going to like his Masses. When we left church I shook his hand and thanked him for the wonderful liturgy.

Praise God in heaven for sending Fr. Bill here.



Suzanne said...

Amen to that, angelmeg. I will always remember everything good that Father Charlie taught me. Oh his behalf, he encourged me in several is to strive to be happy even through tough times with health, one is to keep doing what I think God has asked me to do with regard to the pro-life things I do at the parish, another is to go to church to pray alone anytime I feel the need to, to feed the hungry and the poor and to try (even though he had to struggle with this)...not to gossip! There were other things, like watching him with the kids and just his desire to consider us all a family and one he would brag about from time to time. He kept us connected in many ways.
Father Bill will be more spiritual and gently disciplined. I think he will good for us and I hope that everyone including the "pushys" as I think of the "rulers" of the parish, will treat him with respect and that he will see through coersion, if you know what I mean. It happens at all parishes around the world, I am most certain. I spoke with Father Don last night after Mass. I sense a soul that seems like he is pondering a few things and I hope that he still sees the need for himself to remain with us for awhile. I think we all have alot to gain from praying and working with a new pastor...priests, adults, children. It will be interesting and we need prayers!Suzanne

Paul Stokell said...

Is that Fr. Bill Munshower, Meg? If so, you've got a keeper!

One way or another, good luck to all y'all on the process of adjustment and growth!

Anonymous said...

Paul, Our new Pastor's name is Fr. Bill Stumpf.