Monday, February 11, 2008

Its Always Darkest . . .

My family has taken another blow. My yougest brother suffered a heart attack while working in Toronto for his company. He is up there cut off from the family and in the hospital all alone, being single. The attack was mild, praise God, and he may only have to stay in the hospital a few days, but what a scare to have to handle with no support system.

He has decided to return to the US and recouperate at my sister's house in Phoenix where he can get good care and any treatment he might need and be around family.

Please say a prayer for him. He is an avowed agnostic, but that doesn't mean that God has abandoned him.

I don't know how much more "testing" my family can handle.


1 comment:

Ebeth said...

Prayers for your family tonight. I am sorry you are being tried so much right now, but know it is for a reason.
