Wednesday, February 09, 2005

What am I Giving Up This Lent?

This year I have decided to give up being in control of my life. I am going to humble myself in the sight of the Transcendent, and allow God to be in control. And I promise, no back seat driving.

This year I am going to give up trying to be perfect. I tend to feel very defensive when someone points out a mistake I made. I would bet that if you did research on the subject, some of the most useful and creative things we have in our world were invented or created by mistake. From now on I am going to admit my failure, embrace them actually and learn from them and move on. I am not perfect, and trying to be perfect is exhausting.

And lastly, this year I am going to give up excuses. I make excuses for everything. It has become laughable how easily I can explain away everything that is not right in my life. I am not in shape because of the arthritis pain, which makes it hard to exercise. I am behind in my reading for class because I am so busy at work. I am so overwhelmed at work because of the transition. No excuse is good enough. I am going to be like the NIKE ad “Just do it!” No more explaining why I can't be better, or do enough.

Whew, I am exhausted just looking at this list, but if I can make it through lent having given up these three things I think I will be that much closer to the authentic person that God intended me to be in this world.

I hope you all have a joy filled Lent.


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