Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Grace of Tears

Today we added the Kyrie from the Mass of remembrance to the liturgical music at mass this morning in honor of the anniversary of 9/11, and the ongoing recovery from Katrina.

Instead of playing flute for this particular part of the mass, I chose to help the singers, so I stood in the front and looked out over my worshiping community as we sang the Greek refrain Kyrie Eleison, Criste Eleison, Kyrie Eleison, and then those haunting verses, begging God for mercy and comfort for His people.

As we sang I could see my pops, Gunny: John Cornwell, Gulf War Veteran, back in the right corner, his head bowed. Suddenly it struck me, the power of the words that we were singing. Everything, all the evils we have seen and done and have had done to us in this world we are asking to be washed away with our tears: Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.

I could barely make it to the end of the final refrain, the tears were streaming down my face. Luckily Jim, my dear friend is a man who comes prepared with a handkerchief so that I could dry my eyes.

Then I sat and was in awe of the readings this Sunday. Readings that ask us to live in a constant state of forgiveness. Challenging us to treat others with a mercy that we ourselves know so well, because that is how God in heaven treats us. Isn't it amazing how the Liturgical cycle works. The anniversary of 9/11 was about forgiveness. A challenge still being felt and tried to live out.

Today's liturgy was such a powerful experience for me. I just had to share it with you all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cried too but only after I saw the grade Dr. Ginter gave me after my first post. Kyrie Eleison!

bobby r.