Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Feast of St Therese of the Little Flower

This is the feast day of my mother's patron saint. she was named for St. Therese by her French parents. She had a quiet devotion to the Little Flower her entire life, (but I think she really loved Teresa of Avilla a bit more, don't tell the Little Flower though).

Anyway, in honor of St. Therese's feast day I am offering you a gift. You can download her autobiography; Story of a Soul in MP3 format from this site, or just listen to it online.
If you have never read this little book (written in obedience to her mother superior --who also happened to be her older sister -- at the time of her eminent death) please consider taking the time to either find a copy to read or download this copy to listen to because it will change your life. Her "little way" will really make a huge impact on how you see your journey of faith.


1 comment:

Mimi said...

Happy Patron Saint Day to your daughter, Many Years.