Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year and All . . .

in less than 16 hours it will be a New Year. I'm not really all that fond of resolutions, mostly because historically I am really good at making lists of things I know would be great for me to change about myself or my environment, and then not being able to follow through with those changes because of any number of factors, not the least of which is lack of will power.

So this year I have decided that instead of resolutions I am going to write out a few wishes for the new year:

I wish faithfulness to God's plan for our lives for myself, my husband and my children.

I wish that all of us would be more attentive to our overall health; body, mind and spirit.

I wish that care for the environment were something that everyone took more seriously.

I wish that all the people I loved could achieve at least one of their wildest dreams.


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