Saturday, January 07, 2012

The Times They Are . . .

So, I got a contract to write a book. I gave myself a "grace period/vacation" over Christmas, and didn't work on it. It was really nice not thinking about it through the holiday rush. But now the holidays are over, and I am writing. I wanted to let you know so that my two loyal readers wouldn't think I was ignoring them. I am probably sitting staring at my manuscript wondering what the devil I am going to write next. So, if you come here and I haven't posted in a while please say a prayer for me. I am sure the writing is going well, but a little extra prayer can't hurt. PAX - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


owenswain said...

Congrats! Any hints as to the content? Title? Publisher?

Suzanne said...


Ebeth said...

two loyal readers!! HA!!

Congrats on the writing, I'll be watching and praying!