I have packed the freezer with pizzas, expecting the kids to fend for themselves tonight, and we are taking off this afternoon for a little overnight adventure. We are heading south-east to the Buckeye State to meet up with some friends in Cincinatti for a Jazz Concert this evening.

We are going to a place called the Blue Wisp to hear one of my favorite Saxaphonists: Ron Jones. We have heard him live before at least once down in Louisville back when the Jazz Factory was still open (moment of revered silence please).
Mrangelmeg isn't much of a fan of Jazz, but he loves the company (me, and the couple we are meeting up with) so he is willingly going along with us. Ron Jones plays enough standards mixed in with his more jazzy stuff so that mrangelmeg doesn't feel like he hasn't got a clue what he is listening to all the time.
I am really excited. With mrangelmeg's travel schedule it seems like we are ships passing in the night. We are here but so much of the time is spent sleeping or taking care of necessary stuff that we really don't have much time to just focus on each other. Getting away like this, even just overnight, will give us some time to just be about us for a whole day. Sometimes a marriage needs that kind of maintenance.
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