Thursday, March 16, 2006

Direction is a Good Thing

I have a new Spiritual Director. Today I met with my new spiritual director for the first time. He is a priest I have known for a few years. I met him when he was the teacher of a class on Liturgy that I took for Lay Ecclesial Ministers in my Diocese. I loved his class and came to know him quite well in the ten weeks we spent together. I asked him then to write a letter of recommendation for me when I entered Gradual School. So now, depending on how hard the work is kicking me in the tail, I either thank him or curse him that I am in Gradual School.

This morning I met with him for a short, preliminary visit to let him know where I am personally and spiritually and to ask -- beg really-- him to take me on as a directee. He agreed. Now, as I transition out of my job and into whatever it is I will be doing next I will have him to help me to discern that I am following God's will.

God is good, this will be a great relationship.


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